Donation 捐款
捐款表格 Donation Form
「點亮生命有限公司」是香港註冊的慈善機構 (NO.91/9965) 主要服務對象為本地的弱勢社群,包括生活於處境不如意的青少年及獨居長者。
我願意捐款支持「點亮生命有限公司」的工作,附上捐款 $100, $500, $1,000, 其他 $_____________
請將銀行入數紙連同捐款表格寄回/交回九龍尖沙咀東部麼地道66號尖沙咀東冀811室 以便發回正式收據
如有任何查詢,請致電: 2268 6729 傳真:2721 3881 電郵: 網頁:
Love Inspire Life Inspired Limited is a non-profit charitable organization (NO.91/9965) registered under Hong Kong Charitable entities Chapter 88. Its main service is offer support and provide assistance to the underprivileged youth and elderly in our community.
I would like to support the work of “Love Inspire Life Inspired Limited” with a donation of $100, $500, $1,000, Other $____________
Donation $100 and above is eligible for tax deduction
For cheque donations, please make a crossed cheque payable to “Love Inspire Life Inspired Limited “ or direct deposit to any HSBC bank account: 640-031035-838.
Please send the donation’s bank slip and the donation form to Love Inspire Life Inspired Limited address: Room 811, Tsim Sha Tsui East Wing, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, for issue official receipt.
For enquiries, please call: 2268 6729 Fax: 27213881 Email: Website:
捐款者的資料 Donor Information:
如不希望收到本機構的資訊或活動,請於空格 加上[X]並可選擇 以郵寄或電郵交回。
Your personal information is strictly confidential, and the above information will only be used for sending receipts, update of our activities, fundraising and promotional activities.
If you do not wish to receive information from us, please put an “X” in this box, and you can choose to return it by post or email.
Thank You for your generous support.